Friday, February 19, 2010

Seed planting and planning

So, once again trying to work out when the last frost might be, and making a plan accordingly. At last nights GIY Mullingar event, a seasoned farmer was saying that the last frost could be as late as June- aaagh! Last year I took a guess based on the full moon, and went for a mid April date - This years relevant full moons are April 28th and May 27th. So I'll be going for a last frost date round April 28th. I have a reasonable sheltered location - for Mullingar- so I'm not going to plan for a May 27th frost date. :-)

I'll be using the excellent guide provided by the ladies at Little house in the suburbs - since I love my crafts, this is a nice way to combing gardening and making things.

While we're on the weather - a great local resource is here. Weather station in Killucan.

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At 4:37 p.m., Blogger Greenside Up said...

The seasoned gardener was correct about the frosts - we had snow a few years ago here in May and goodness knows what's going to happen this year!

Check out the website for stats - they have average temps going back years - interesting reading for a gardener.

At 9:13 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no! My site is very definitely not sheltered :( I can see myself growing a lot in my tunnel

At 10:15 a.m., Blogger Anna Bee said...

Laura -
Lucky you that has a tunnel! You can get a lot started in there, move them out in June, making room for tomatoes and squash which will do a lot better in the tunnel for the whole season. Good Luck!



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