First Spring Sowing
While my students in METNS are ahead of the curve, I'm only getting my first plantings in today.
The students already have germinated tomatoes, wheat, chamomile and a kind of furry grass. There's echinicea on the way, hope it works out too. The only problem is where to put them now that they need light - the classrooms are not great - so hopefully the Lidl small greenhouse will work.
Today for my home garden, I planted lettuce, wild rocket, beet, spinach. Also planted wildflowers, teasel (still have hopes for the front lawn becoming a wild flower meadow) and hollyhock.
I have a chip ready for some peas (Sugar Ann), but I'm saving that for little hands, could probably soak them first.
My seeds are in seed trays, and vegetable chips on a metal bakers shelf in front of an east facing glass door. It will be exciting for all of us to check for germination and growth first thing in the morning.